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    MySocial Plus

    MySocial Plus bundles is a new data service that allows Mascom prepaid and postpaid subscribers to access Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram and TikTok. After a successful purchase of the bundle, the subscriber will have access to all five (5) social sites while the bundles is active. The bundles will have a 1GB and 1.5GB daily limit.  Please note, buy for another number feature does not apply for MySocial bundles using Airtime payment from a different number.

    per page

    MySocial Plus 1 day 1.5GB

    P 15.00

    MySocial Plus 1 day 1GB

    P 10.00

    MySocial Plus 7 days 1.5GB

    P 50.00

    MySocial Plus 7 days 1GB

    P 35.00
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